3 Ws of Facebook Marketing

Facebook no doubt is the most powerful medium in the hands of marketers. This media has emerged rapidly and has given birth to a whole new field of advertising products and maintainig customer relations. Facebook has great power and it is safe to say that facebook influence people's mind more than the television these days, this has given unlimited power in the hands of marketers to influence  people's mind and turn them into lcustomers, the best thing about facebook is that it is ideal to reach the customers before sale, during sale and after sale. Unlike television or newspapers, facebook has enabled the marketers to obtain immediate feedback of customers regarding product experience and satisfaction level. This power has boosted the sales of many brands.
For the media such powerful, there are some serious concerns for the marketers, first being the power of customers i.e., the customers now have more power and one bad expereince can lead to bad reputation of brand and may curtail the sales as fast as it grows it, and the second being the immence neck to neck competition. 
Where there is a competition, the brand has to do something unique to stand out, this article describes the three simple rules described as "3 Ws of Facebook Posting" which every marketers should keep in mind while making any strategy for posting their ads on facebook both on fan page and paid advertising 

1. WOW 
The rule of "Wow" suggest that when a facebook user see your post, he/she should exclaim "wow", this is most effective for the luxury brands like desiger dresses, jewelry, luxury cars etc etc. The difficult part is how to make such posts? Follow these simple tips to add wow factor to any post you make on facebook.
The first and most important thing is to make your post visiually asthetic, this job is not just of a designer but of a the whole marketing team and even the other departments of the organization. Always design your posts after a brain stroming session atleast of marketing and design team, use colors and some effects (don't overdo) to make the post stand out. Keep in mind that the user is not just looking at your post, he/she is looking at hundreds of other posts and pictures of friends and family as well so your post must have something unique that capture the attention of user and he/she should like to share it with friends. Make the post attractive using contrasts keep in mind the color theme of facebook use it for your advantage in designign the post. Every design should be themed around the message you want to convey. 
For markers the purpose of such post is not just to acheive wow of the user but to turn him/her into a prospecive customer and in some cases voluntary brand embassador. So never ever ignore the business purpose of your post always give clear and precise message and never let your viewere deviate from the intended message. 
One thing most of the marketers on facebook are doing wrong is using huge watermarks on the posts, it is justified that you don't want someone else to steal your post but at which cost? Water marks reduces the wow factor of posts so dont use unless it is mandatory, use your web address or logo at the bottom of posts, as your post has life of one week or two it is not worth to protect it by watermark and losing the attention of prospective customers. 

If you run a magezine, newspaper, fashion or tech blog then this type of post is for your customers. The goal of this type of post is to make the reader anxious to know more about it, this post is generally followed by a link to the actual website or blog. This is one of the most difficult post to design as it not only need a designer but a creative writer to use words and sentences to arouse the curiosity in the mind of  reader. 
To make such post effective use the headlines and make them as much interesting and to some extent confusing and shocking. Don't provide the summary of full news in the post rather use the part from  which the reader has no choice but to read the full story "Make your post irreristable" to make yourself fluent in making such posts read the covers of different novels, headlines of newspapers and use the same tactics i.e, don't give the full story or news rather provide the best part incomplete so the user seek for complete story and visit your website or blog. Always look for "what factor" in the post if you are intending to direct the viwer to your website or blog.
Never rely on your intution rather do testing before posting, show the post first to your colleagues, friends and family to get basic feedback then post it to your fanpage. 

This may be tricky for some one, as it may resembel to the what factor, but there is a minor difference you can say difference of "chalk and cheese". "When or Where" post is ideal for events organizers or brands who are offering special sales or discounts. The purpose of this  post is to create curosity among the readers about when this is going on? or where is this happening? 
Designing this post is also critical and somewhat difficult as it also require the joint effort of design and marketing teams. In this post the most important thing is to make the offer and brand prominent so that in first glance the viwer is able to know what is offer and which brand is giving this offer and in case of events what is this event all about and where is it happening. To make such post, dont use too much description rather use just the few words which answer the following: 1. what is offer? 2. who is giving such offer? and 3. where is this happening?
Using too much description makes the posts boring and user scroll down. Make your posts as precise and meaningful as possilbe. Use more images and less text because the text get dissapeared among all the other images on news feed and secondly most users don't read text at all. You have 4 seconds of user attention make it count by using images. 


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