Reverse Psychology Future of Advertising

Branding is the most critical aspect of company's progress, companies spend millions and decades in building a respectable name in the market, but it can take few years for brands to fall down, the reason may be decrease in quality of products/services or rise of a stronger competitor. Therefore every brand has to keep their focus in building their brand position, this includes both improving the quality of goods and services, bringing innovations and having a continuous marketing activities.

Advertising is the key element in today's branding, as it is one of major way of making a favorable image in the minds of customers, using internet and social media is another huge option. They key is to keep the social media and advertising activities synchronized. Combined activities of social media and print/media activities establishes a favorable position of brand in mind of customers.

Reverse psychology is a technique involving the advocacy of a belief or behavior that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what actually is desired: the opposite of what is suggested. 

We don't see many brands using reverse psychology as there is neck to neck competition and every brand wants to show that it is better than the competitors, billions of dollars are spent every year telling people that we are better than others. Thus in the end of day people end up listening to tons of different brands telling them we are better, so using reverse psychology seems like a big risk.

Question is why Reverse Psychology is the Future of Advertising? 

Reverse Psychology though is not used by brands but there is another term used "Negative Advertising" i.e., criticizing competitor's brand in advertising campaigns. Mobile Companies are biggest example and we have seen that it has given more advantage to competitor rather than the one running negative advertising campaign.

Key example in this scenario is of Samsung and Apple, two giants in cellular phone market (they are becoming new Coke and Pepsi of cellular Industry). Looking at the advertising strategies of both companies there is a clear difference, where Apple focus on building hype of its iPhone, focus on its features and presenting it as its the need of hour, Samsung's first move is always to criticize the iPhone. Apple has its long history of launching innovative products in the market and its success has created many rivals as well, but the rivalry has gone to next level with Samsung because of various law suits between these two companies. Samsung in its efforts to snatch as much market share from Apple as it can, is using negative marketing, though Samsung has gain enormous success but its negative marketing against iPhone has given more advantage to Apple than it has given to Samusng, recent reports showed that iPhone 5S surpased the sales of Samsung Galaxy phone, and recently at the launching of iPhone 6 many companies including Samsung, HTC, Nokia etc poked jokes at Apple but in response Apple recorded 10 million units sales in first week of launch. What Samsung and other companies have done is not only giving free advertising to Apple but also created a strong loyalty among Apple users.

It is safe to say that in near future brands will look reverse psychology as a viable option in devising marketing plans, though its risky and one wrong move can destroy the brand but business is all about taking risks and its worth a shot.


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